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Yellowish/green vaginal discharge, female rat

21 17:20:18

My little girl is a little over a year old and is currently on Amoxidrops to treat what my vet and I believe a secondary infection. She has been on the antibiotic for two days and today I noticed she has a yellow/green looking discharge from her vaginal opening. It doesn't smell, however it's difficult to get her to eat today. She is also on eye drops to help the red discharge they get since she was producing a lot of it the night we had her looked at. She also hasn't been able to bathe herself since she was ill (Three days now). Should I get her back in to the see the vet or is it a cleanliness issue?

The vet is treating her for porphyrin? There is no need to use eye drops for porphyrin discharge as this is not an infection. It is simply an indication that she is ill or stressed, usually due to illness.  

Where does the vet think this secondary infection is?   It sounds like she has a uterine infection from the discharge she has.  Is she congested or sneezing?

Is your vet an avian/exotic vet or simply a vet that sees dogs and cats but will also see exotics?  I ask this again only because treating porphyrin discharge with eye drops is something that a vet that is not really up to par on rat care would do because they do not know exactly what the red discharge from the eyes means and they feel it is due to infection of the eyes.  I would not stress her any longer by using these eye drops on her.

More info on porphyrin with photos here:

Also, the three day rule applies when using antibiotics.  If the rat is not getting better or is getting worse after 3 days, its time to change medication. This means it is not the right antibiotic to kill the source of infection.  She should be given baytril along with the amoxil and see how that goes.  

I would think about possibly finding another vet rather than going back to the one you have. If you want names of vets or want me to check credentials on the vet your seeing currently, you can make our message private in the follow up and I will happily give you names of vets that are up to par on rat care once I know your location.