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Tumor or Abcess?

21 17:10:33


This is Sprinkles again, if you remember me asking before. Last time I asked this lump was very early on, and it has grown vastly since. She is about 7, maybe 8 months old now and has had this lump for a couple weeks. It is about walnut sized, very red, warm, and very squishy. It's located right under her front leg on her chest, and stretches the skin on her neck with it's weight. I begged my parents to take her to a vet, but they refused, and now this is what I've got. Today it ruptured, and now has a bloody scab on it. It leaked a bit of orange mushy fluid, like fruit pulp, and blood. I didn't attempt to drain it entirely, because I don't want to hurt her unecessarily, but if it's a large abscess and she could benefit, I would certainly do so. I have no idea how to identify a tumor from an abscess. My Dad is convince-able, but he says he doesn't want to pay more than $200 to help her, and has no idea where to find a vet. We live around Flint Michigan if you can help. We just need help all the way around :/

Its a tumor, not an abscess.

She really would be ok once it was removed. Poor little thing. I am glad your going to help her. Tell Dad I said thank you! I am sure Sprinkles would thank him too if she could talk!

Here is what I have as far as vets go:

Dr. Wayne Beasley
Cedar Creek Veterinary and Exotic Bird Clinic
Williamston, MI
(517) 655-4906

Tell me if I am on the right track here as far as distance goes.