Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > My new rat is sneezing and is not socializing with my older rat...

My new rat is sneezing and is not socializing with my older rat...

21 17:24:42

I have had my new rat (Buddy) for just over 4 days and I am very worried about her. She doesnt stop sneezing and sits alone in one part of the cage.

My other rat (Baby) is nearly twice the size of her and Buddy doesnt socialize with the Baby much (both of them are not yet fully grown). They get along and I dont see a problem with them other then when Baby wants my attention, she tends to push Buddy out of the way when I pay attention to Buddy and bullies her sometimes but its never serious as baby likes to clean Buddy, I have had rats in the past and know its normal for older rats to put the younger ones strait when they act up or are just in their way, sorta part of showing who is boss when a newbie comes to town. Do you think Buddy is feeling left out or uncomfortable for some reason? Could it be the bedding? Baby seems to be her normal crazy self and doesnt have a reaction to the bedding if that is the problem...

Im more concerned about the sneezing, when I first got her she was fine and I chose her cos she was very active in the pet store and was play fighting with another rat, but, as soon as I got her home she seemed very different. I have been watching her very carefully and it seems like she is still eating and drinking but her sneezing has gotten worse... and now she doesnt want to run around. She cleans her nose A LOT but does not have any discharge from its eyes or ears...

I know its best to let rats get used to their home before handling them. When I first got Buddy she was very very scared of me. I leave the cage open most of the day and always talk to both but I only stroke Buddy's head so that she will get used to me... this has worked and she is not so scared now but yet she doesnt seem to be active, specially being a female they are more playful then males...

I am worried that this may be something more serious... I hope I have given enough info on the lil one... pls let me know if you need to know more about her to help assess the problem...

Thank you so much for your help..

Kind Regards

She may be adjusting still and if the bedding is different it may be a bit of an adjustment to the dust and/or surface of this bedding. However if it has continued over a week or if it has worsened and is now accompanied by more symptoms, I would recommend taking her to a vet. As far as them getting along, I think you just need to give them some time and let them settle in. It will take some time.

Good luck;