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21 17:09:03

Hello, I work at a pet store, and we recently got a rodent shipment and some of that shipment contained Fancy Rats.
One of our rats is kind of worrying me.  He isolated himself from the other rats, and rarely moves.  He lays on his side and appears to have laboured breathing.  I have seen him eat on occasion, but not very often.  I tried to give him a treat but he wasn't interested.  I have never personally owned a rat, so I am not partial to their usual behaviours.  The other rats seem fine, they eat like tanks and frolick and play.  This guy though, he wont even move when the cage is open (the other ones scatter!).  Should we isolate him?  Take him to the vet?

Yes, he needs to go see a vet. That is HIGHLY unusual for a rat. He could have an Upper Respiratory Infection (URI) or could have pneumonia. Many pet stores rats, because of the breeding conditions, are exposed to a bacteria called mycoplasmosis. This bacteria can cause respiratory issues and even be fatal if not treated properly.

Social Rats Adoption and Rescue - Chicago, IL