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Breathing problem

21 17:26:01

QUESTION: I have a 1&1/4 year-old black and white female rat, we got her from the pet store, she is very skittish and stays on my son's bed during the day and in the cage at night. She has ALWAYS sneezed and had a runny nose. I treat her daily with Bayril/doxycycline (0.3ml BID). There has been 2 instances when I have noticed that she is having troubles breathing more than normal. Both times I have put an Albuterol inhaler in my mouth and blown it into hers. This last time I took her into a hot shower for 10 minutes and that seemed to help. I have looked up every information on rats with respiratory illness,it seem like I am doing the right thing but she never gets 100% better, which I know can happen. also, I have noticed that she is now growing 2 lumps, one by her back leg and the other on her side/back near her back half of her body. I have had a previous rat and know they get mammary tumors, which I have had removed on the previous one. Could she be getting pneumonia or something different, or maybe cancer with the new lumps? I want to be as knowledgeable as possible when I go to the vet. I do have a vet that specializes in exotics like rats, but sometimes even they guess. She is feeling warmer than normal, she still eats well, snacks and people food and I do give her a small piece of semi-sweet chocolate to help with the breathing, but she seems more lethargic and not as playful in the morning and night like she used to be. PLEASE HELP.....I only use baby blankets and towels for her cage and when I put her plastic house that sits on the bed with the comforter covering. She is always covered and doesn't like to be exposed. I change her cage and bedding on the bed daily (15 pieces everyday!)Your knowledge and advise is much needed and appreciated. THANK YOU........

Hi Kim

Has the albuterol helped?  The vet can easily prescribe this orally for her or even have you pick up a nebulizer and nebulize her not only with the albuterol but with the baytril too.  Sometimes fluids can build up so be sure the vet listens to her lungs carefully since lasix can also be used to help.    With chronic myco, sometimes scarring can develop despite using daily meds and although I would continue the antibiotics to prevent infection, I would consider albuterol for sure. Steroids are also very useful, but some vets really get freaked out even by suggesting their use.  However, they need to remember that steroids at this stage have benefits that outweigh the risks. That, and the fact rats metabolic rate is very fast so the steroids do not pose a threat such as compromising the immune system like they do in other species.

As for the lumps, I do not think they are related to what is going on with her breathing. They are located in the area where mammary tissue is located so they are more than likely mammary tumors. The good news is they are usually benign too.

This is the prime age for mammary tumors to start to surface. When ovulation stops, estrogen levels rise and start to fuel the growth of mammary tumors.   You can read up on them on my site here:

How long has she been on the baytril/doxycyline?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: This is my second response to your answer. Thank You again, I do have a couple more questions I would really liked answered before I go to the Vet. I saw on one of your responses that you recommended Dr. Greenberg in Westminster. I called and asked what they office visit is, for dogs and cats it's $44.00 but rats is $70.50. I have been to Dr. Tom Greek in Yorba Linda, CA. before with my other rat and his visit is $55.00. I want to get the best treatment for her but don't know if the difference in price is substantiated. That price is for the visit only and not for any meds or removals of the mammary tumors. I am a stay at home Mom and with only one income in this economy, I try to get the most for the money without compromising quality. If you feel that Dr. Greenberg would be best, I value your choice and will go see her. She had another episode last night of struggling, I tried to do the inhaler again and ended up sitting in a steam shower again, it did make her stop making the noises when breathing. The noise she makes sounds like a baby with Croup. Is that pneumonia or just congestion in her lungs. I was thinking of getting her some Guaifenisen (Robitussin) to break up the congestion. Thank you again for your advise.
Kim Altman

Hi again

I only like to list vets that are either board certified avian/exotic vets and vets that belong to the Association of Exotic mammal Vets UNLESS they have such a strong interest in exotics that they have an area in their facility that caters to the small mammal.  I know for sure that Westminster offers this. The are one of only a few animal hospitals in California with extensive experience in bird and exotic animal surgery.

What means alot to me that all vets that see exotics should have at their facility are what Westminster offers: Specialized equipment such as micro-instrumentation, magnification equipment so the vet can magnify the animals tiny veins and organs etc... in order to see everything easily. Also they use electrosurgery to prevent blood loss and minimize trauma. Anesthesia times are kept as short as possible and patients are continuously monitored with state-of-the-art electronic equipment and surgical nurses are there to assist at all times and to keep their eyes glued to the monitors the entire time.

I did not suggest your current vet because I have no information on his credentials.  

I am wondering if every visit is $70 or if the first initial exam is that much but the return visits are less?  Thats a question to ask but of course doesnt solve the fact it is still $15 more than your current vet.   

Is your current vet helping your little girl get better?  Is he trying different things to help her such as different meds etc?  
If you can get her to the vet and have her kept on oxygen and evaluated and while on the 02 new meds could be started and stuff like albuterol etc...can be started too.

If your vet is helping and you see he is willing to try all options to get her better, stay with him of course, but if you dont see her improving I would switch vets.