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Something is very wrong with my dumbo rat.

21 16:51:49

My Dumbo rat, winter, is not well. She has always walk diagonally and had her tail curve around. But lately we've noticed that she's turned her head to the side, and is clutching the ground as if the world is spinning.she looks very frightened and disoriented, and we don't know what we should do. We don't have money to take her to a vet, and where are afraid she might be dying. What can we do to help her?should we buy another rat right now, so that if she dies, the other rat won't be left all alone? Or should we wait until she actually does die? And what is wrong with her? Thank you for your help.

Dear Hannah,

She HAS to go to the vet. She is in absolute agony. She has a horrible, horrible ear infection, which has led to serious, serious central nervous system/peripheral nervous system issues and is suffering incredibly. Please scrape up the money somehow. Use a credit card, borrow from someone. You can't leave her in that agony.

I can't even help you to get enough meds over the counter. I know how to get certain antibiotics but she needs at least steroids as well. And the vet has to look to see if her eardrum is broken.

Please please find a way. She would rather be dead than feel the pain and terror she is feeling now. Honestly. If you can't manage to get anything at all then she should be put to sleep. It is a terrible solution and I hate to even say it. But you can not leave her like this.

Just for right now, to make her feel a tiny bit better, she should have children's liquid ibuprofen. She needs 1/3 to 1/2 of a teaspoon, every 6 hours. If she won't take it straight you can mix it in soy yogurt or rice milk or anything she loves.

PLEASE get her to the vet.

Please write to me right away to tell me what you are going to do.



PS yes, get another, two if possible, and have a friend quarantine them at their house to make sure they aren't sick. Rats should never be alone.