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My hairless rat

21 17:19:01

I'm in a bit of a panic.  About a month ago I purchased a female hairless rat and she is about two months old now.  When i bought her at the store, she had one or two little scabs around her neck but i figured it was because she was hairless and had more sensitive skin.  But as time progressed, she has been getting lots of scabs around her neck and on her face and they look uncomfortable.  I have put some antibacterial ointment on them to try and help.  My mom thinks it's happenning just because she's young and fiesty and might just be scratching herself when she cleans or something.  I'm afraid it may be something worse like a parasite or something. please help!

Have you trimmed her toenails?
What sort of bedding do you have her on?

Hairless rats are prone to more allergies due to their lack of fur. Make sure you have her on a gentle bedding. I personally use a recycled newspaper bedding for my hairless', and try to keep their toenails clipped once or twice a week. If your bedding is fine and her toenails are fine, you might want to treat her for parasites. To do so requires a vet visit, to confirm she in fact does have them. :) Good luck.