Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > fat rats or skinny rats?

fat rats or skinny rats?

21 17:43:37

hello Sandra,
I've been having problems in my 2 8 week old female rats : they both have myco. they're on a course of antibiotics and i was hoping you could tell me how much they should weigh at this age and fully grown so i can keep an eye on their weight throughout the treatment

A guideline for healthy rats:

puberty 8 weeks -150 to 200 grams

12 week males -200 to 400

12 week females- 150 to 270 grams

adult males- 300 to 800

adult females -250 to 550


Frame size has alot to do with their weight as well.

Keep in mind that rats should be self feeders, leaving food down at all times. They will not overeat, only eating till they are satisfied. A healthy rat doesnt get fat by being fed to much. What makes them fat is the food they are fed.

How big are the girls now? How long were they put on the antibiotics for?