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Female rat bleeding from vagina

21 17:02:10

In the past one of my female rats was bleeding from her vagina and was put on anti-biotics which cleared it up. Recently I have noticed a different female rat is now bleeding but with alot more blood and anti-biotics are not helping, could you please tell me what this could be and why it isn't clearing up. Also what would you suggest to help her?

Hi Helina

Female number one that had vaginal bleeding that cleared up with medication probably had a uterine infection which responded to antibiotics.  Sometimes it returns so do keep an eye out in the future.  As for the second female with the same problem that is NOT responding to treatment:  It may not be infection. She may have a tumor going on anywhere in her female organs, such as with her ovaries or uterus etc....there are several things that can cause vaginal bleeding in rats that is not from infection.  Polycystic ovaries is another thought. This can cause bleeding vaginally and will not respond to treatment.  I would suggest an xray or even an ultrasound be done to see what is going on inside.  Xrays of course would be alot easier on the wallet and not every vet is equipped to do an ultra-sound on a small mammal.