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rat with broken leg.

21 17:02:33

hey Janine, my little sister has a pet rat. hes a medium sieze rat. we think he broke his leg. its real real bad swollen. and he doesnt walk on it. to be honest we really dnt have the money to take him to a vet. any advice on wat we can give him or do for him?

I would leave it alone, usually it will heal by itself with no problems  give him one or two drops of childrens Tylenol to help with the pain, and just don't touch it. Give it at least a week or two to heal.. Not much a vet can really do. even if they put a splint on it the rat will take the splint off.. So just put him in a one level cage, if you have one, and don't hold him too much until its healed and the swelling goes down.
Keep me posted