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Baby rat, broken back

21 17:19:03

Hi, I work in a pet store, and have 5 rats of my own, and yesterday at work I saw a young (3-4 months) rattie dragging her back legs and tail behind her. She didn't seem to be in pain and was booking it around the cage she was in there, but I knew if anyone else saw her there she would be killed or fed to a snake, so I brought her home. I have her in a very small cage 1 story with small food and water bowls and I also put 1 of my girls that is the same size as her in with her and thankfully they bonded. Also watching her today, I saw one of her legs twitch when she was trying to use it to scratch her ear. Not much movement but enough to be hopeful. She doesn't have any bruising (shaved the poor things abdomen and back to be certain) and minimal swelling. She is eating, drinking, washing and playing to the best of her ability but my question is, is there anything that I can do to make her more comfortable and happy, and is this something that potentially could heal that you have heard of?  From what I've gathered from my coworkers, a metal lid was dropped on her, right above her haunches. Oh, she still has minimal feeling in her feet and tail. Another reason for me to be hopeful for her. Any advice you could give me would be much appreciated!

I am so glad you brought her home. Your doing all the right things to help her heal. Keeping her in a small cage so she cannot climb up on anything and instead will allow her to rest will promote healing.  Also, if I knew her weight, you can give her childrens liquid ibuprofen to help with inflammation.  Even if she never regains the use of her legs, she can still survive happily. I know of rats born with no front paws or have stumps for legs or some even born without eyes and live as happy as can be.  

The fact she is dragging her tail indicates injury to the spine, but it could be a bruising rather than break.  Please keep me posted. I am pulling for her!