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Rats tail is torn

21 17:02:17

Hi! I'm am writing because my rattie boy Ernie has torn his tail. I wouldn't say it is a complete degloving, it's more spotty, affecting the last inch or so of his tail, but only in spots. There is a spot with exposed bone, but it is only maybe 1/2cm and not all the way around the tail. There are a few other bloody spots. It looks almost as if he's chewed at it. He's acting perfectly fine, but there was a quite a bit of blood. It's no longer bleeding. The wounds are very clean. I have Baytril and Tribrissen oral antibiotics on hand, and antibiotic ointment. I really hate to take him to the emergency vet for this, as it's the weekend(and our local emergency vet isn't the best with treating rats). I'm wondering if keeping it clean and applying antibiotic ointment and monitoring him for signs of infection would be sufficient? I've never has this type of injury before and I know the tail injuries can be kinda touchy! Obviously I'll take him in if he starts acting like it's bothering him, but he really seems fine. Just wanted an expert opinion, thanks so much!

The vet probably wouldnt do much else unless its much worse then I think and would want to actually amputate it which I dont suggest at this point at all, of course.  Your on the right track...keep it clean, watch for necrosis, and of course any change in his behavior as this would indicate either pain issues, infection or both.  Sounds like he may heal ok though, in time. You may need to keep his cage very very clean especially his litter and bedding. Keep it super clean and free from his own waste and try to keep the tail out of it best you can.

Hope this helps!