Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > I think my rat might have a tumor

I think my rat might have a tumor

21 17:24:10

I have a 3 year old female rat named Elphie.  Yesterday I noticed that she had a circular bulge on the right side of her stomach.  
It is kind of squishy and she doesn't seem to mind when i touch or squeeze it.  

Do you know what it is?
And please son't tell me to go to a vet, my family can't afford even a check-up.  So PLEASE help.


Hi Andrea

It could be a mammary tumor, but it may be an abscess too. If it is an abscess, it should come to a head and burst and it will be up to you to clean it and keep it medicated etc....

If it a tumor, I would not suggest a vet mainly due to her age and the location of the tumor.

I am not holding back from suggesting a vet because you asked me not to because if it is medically necessary for the well being of the rat, I would suggest it no matter what.

However,  operating on her would be too risky and leaving the tumor on her wont hurt or cause problems for a long time yet so the benefits of keeping it on her outweigh the risks.