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he keeps sneezing

21 17:55:05

My rat Ragetii,who is 8 weeks keeps sneezing every half a second and im really worried about him.
so wot do you think is a matter with him and wot can i do to help?

Hi Connie

How long have you had your rat? Is he new? Often, rats that just come into their new living environment sneeze alot due to the fact the rat uses his sense of smell to learn about his new surroundings. He is taking in alot of dust and other particles that irritate his sinuses, thus in turn, causes excessive sneezing.  However, if he has discharge from his eyes or nose or both, which may be red and appear to be blood, but don't worry, its not blood, it is called PORPHYRIN and is normally seen from stress due to illness or other factors, if he should stop eating or show less interest in his favorite treats or refuse to come out for play time and seems listless, a Vet should be seen ASAP.

Again, is he new to your home?