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Respratioy problem

21 17:47:37

i am 13 years old and have 2 dumbo rats. one of them has a breathing problem so i took her to the vet and he said that she has emphysema. is their anything i can do? she has lost a lot of weight and struggles to breath. she had another problem before. her head was tilted to one direction but her breeder had her then and treated her. i am going to miss her SO much is she dies. what should i do? i love her so much and her (FAT) little sister would be a wreck without her! thank you :)

Hi Emma

SHe needs medications.  Did the vet give her anything?

She can take antibiotics, albuterol to help aid her breathing and steroids for inflammation of the lungs.  This will help keep her comfortable and even improve her quality of life.  LEt me know what treatment the Vet put your rat on so she doesnt suffer and feels more comfortable.

Mean while you can feed her baby foods and help her keep fluids in by giving her watermelon and also letting her drink from a syringe. Koolaid water is OK even though there is sugar in it, it doesnt matter at this point. What is important is that she gets fluids!

Let me know ok?  Hang in there!