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Ill, weak rat

21 17:35:15


I discovered this site and would be really happy, if You could help me.
I live in Latvia, Europe and have 2 female rats, 2y and about 1.5month of age. Since they were some months old, one of them is fatter and likes to sleep a lot while other is thinner and more curious. During this time I've noticed that the thinner one doesn't like many things of food that my previous rats ant the fatter one likes quite well (they are sisters though), e.g. milk products.

Today I came home and found that the thinner one is very weak, and so thin that you can feel all her backbone. She cannot stand well, keeps her eyes half-shut and also has got something like diarrhea.
That is maybe from the different rodent food I have given to them last 2 days. They didn't like the pressed grass granules of the previous food and recently I found one without them. But other things there are pretty much the same - corn seeds, grains, some granules. There are also some nuts which were not in the previous food.

I tried to feed the ill rat other things today, like hard-boiled egg, walnut, pumpkin seeds and black bread which they normally like. I didn't have any other fruit, so I tried a lychee. She ate a bit of black bread and lychee but lost interest of them fast.

Though sometimes she washes herself, which is a positive sign. When she does, it doesn't seem like she's ill or anything.

What I should do? I could take them to vet the day after tomorrow, but as it is 40km from here, maybe it will be too stressful for them? Is there some food which stop diarrhea? What food of high nutrition could I provide her?

Thank You for the answer already!


I think your rat is ill. Taking her to the vet is the best thing. If you transport them in a small cage and take them together so they have each other for company and also bring a shoe box full of paper towels so they can hide in the box inside the carrying cage, they should be fine for travel.

You need to really change their diet though. The foods your feeding are not nutritious enough to keep them healthy. Seeds are the worst things rats can eat. They are full of fats and high protein which can destroy the kidneys.  One reason rats are living past 3 years old is proper diet low in fats and having a protein intake of no more than 15%.  Here is the link to my website for info on rat diet and how to make them a well rounded homemade diet. Vegetables, some fruits, some grains are all included. Even meats such as beef livers, canned oysters and lean chicken breast without the skin are good for rats.

Hope this helps