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pet rat-blood from vagina

21 17:10:10

Our pet rat, who is 22mos. old, has been bleeding from her vagina for the past 2 days. Our vet saw her yesterday, and after palpating her abdomen and finding no lumps,etc. thought it might be a urinary tract infection and prescribed baytril. There are other symptoms, however, and I am concerned that it might be more serious than a urinary tract infection. She has been loosing some hair, not clumps or anything, but her coat is thinner than it used to be. She also seems to be breathing heavily, but has no discharge from her nose. She is eating and drinking, but less than usual. Thanks for any information. I will, of course, talk to her vet again as well.


Oh boy.  Since when do you bleed vaginally from a urinary tract infection? Wow, I think you need a new vet pronto.  A rat bleeding vaginally means there is something wrong with her internally such as a uterine infection or possible tumor etc... the urinary tract has nothing to do with the vagina. Totally different body part there. She would have blood in her urine, perhaps, or traces of blood around her urethra.  I think the vet has the two confused, which is scary! Even more scary, should she have a uterine infection and clear up from the baytril, the worst part is if you did not write to me, you may have believed the vet!!  Where are you located? Your rat needs a vet that knows the difference between the vaginal opening and the urethra....she may even need an emergency spay should this be a tumor and the bleeding becomes heavier or if her uterus should prolapse!