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22 mo. male sometimes rests with head hanging

21 17:09:57

Hi!Haven't written in a while, lol.

My boy Dom has two issues:
1. I've caught him lying with his head slightly hanging over something when he sleeps about once every day. He doesn't stay like that all the time- most of the time, he sleeps in his bed or house like normal. I've seen him do this occasionally since he was a kid, but I notice it now more since his brother passed away from lung complications two months ago. Also, I have heard him sneeze. Once again, he's always sneezed when he was irritated/excited. He sneezed last night on the floor when he was sniffing the carpet- could be he just tickled his nose. No excessive poryphin from his nose or anything, but I do see some buildup in his eye.
Would a round of antibiotics be in store? Or does it sound like I'm being paranoid?

2. Bumblefoot. I sent you a picture and you correctly diagnosed an active infection in one foot, and said it was chronic in the other. Well, 2 months later the "chronic" foot busted out with an active infection. Treated it immediately with 14 days of tri-meth. I still see a couple of red spots on his heels.
How do I treat chronic bumblefoot?



Try using hibiclens which is found over the counter at Walmart.

Put a capful of it a little shallow dish and add a bit of warm water to it, making a sudsy solution. Dip his feet in it a few times a day, dabbing dry.

Rub neosporin on the sores, keeping him busy so he doesnt lick it off for a few minutes at least, but after that, if he does, thats ok too.