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My rat has mites

21 17:44:55

My rat has mites. I already know, but where can I go to get some off the shelf medicine for it? and it also has a sneezing problem, it's not major.. but yeah. It may be a cough, but I dunno, this is the first time I've had a rat.

 The best over the counter medication would be Advantage, which you can buy from a veterinarian.  Buy one tube of the puppy / kitten size and use a syringe or an eyedropper to apply a single drop to the back of his neck right against the skin.  Clean the cage really well, making sure to clean every toy and item in the cage to remove any mites that may have jumped off.  Repeat the dose in two weeks to get any that may have hatched from eggs in the meantime.  That should take care of all the mites!  To prevent reinfection, wash your hands after going to a pet store or any place with rats, and freeze all bedding for 24-72 hours before use.

 The sneezing could be the start of a respiratory infection, which are very common in pet rats.  They are usually caused by stress, pine or cedar bedding, old age, drafts, dustiness, or irritants in the air.  If it is just a dry sneeze here and there it's not anything to worry about but if you notice red mucus around the eyes and nose, excessive sneezing, rattling in the lungs, wheezing, chirping, weight loss, or any other symptoms out of the ordinary you should take him to the vet for an exam and perhaps some antibiotics.  Usually treating a respiratory infection is easy if you catch it early, but if it is left to get worse it can be a difficult and expensive struggle.

 Well I hope that answers your question, good luck with your rats!