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21 17:40:47

How can I help my rat. She has a bigggggggggg tumor. she is now really really weak how can I help her before I put her to sleep

WHy would you put her to sleep? Tumors are not a death sentence!

You can have it removed from a vet. Did you know that it can be done?
They are 9 times out of 10 NOT cancerous so there is no reason not to have the surgery. She will be just fine!

Check out my site to see info on mammary tumors.

There is a photo of a rat with a giant tumor on her that was removed.  There is no reason for them to die when the can be removed easily. Even if she is over 2 years old she can still safely have it done.

What the tumor is doing to her is   robbing her body of nutrients from her food. This is why she is so weak. There is nothing you can do for her now but surgery to remove it.  Again, dont be worried. It can be removed safely by a good vet.  I can give you names of vets that will do it for you!