Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Rats weeing in places they shouldnt continued!!

Rats weeing in places they shouldnt continued!!

21 17:55:27

Hi Sandra
They sleep downstairs in a nest ball. The dirt tray is in the corner downstairs. Today i watched Toffee climb the steps and wee upstairs after waking up.
If i keep putting their wee in the dirt tray and moving them when they are about to go they might get the hint ;-)
I havent seen the things you suggested. Everything is a bit sparse when it comes to stuff for ratties and ferrets here in the uk.
They have got paper cat litter in their dirt tray but they seem to go where ever they want!!

You can even use those plastic hickey doos that frozen dinners come in as litter pans too. This way your saving the earth by recycling too! :-)   Some of the bigger ones are perfect size too as long as the critters dont chew them to bits!!
I would put one in every single corner of the cage and put litter ONLY in the litter trays. She will have no choice but to use one of them!!