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ear/sinus infection in pet rat?

21 17:55:21

QUESTION: Hi!  Our pet rat, who is about 3 years old, has a snuffle. He lives in a tri-level cage, and we use aspen shavings for bedding.  We feed him rat pellets with vegetables and fruit.

Our rat has been on oral antibiotics (Baytril and Clavamox) for two weeks, and injected antibiotics for the past week.  He has been boarded at the veterinary clinic for the injected medication.  I picked him up today, and though the vet says his respiratory issues have improved a small amount, he still sounds really stuffy to me.  Also, he seemed to have the beginnings of a mild head tilt when I dropped him off, but it has gotten noticeably worse over the course of a week.  There is a bad smell from one of his ears, on the side it tilts toward, and I think he may have an ear or sinus infection.  I am wondering if there are different antibiotics that he might respond to, or if it is possible for a rat to have a fungal infection.  Please advise!  I don't want my ratty to suffer.  Also, I was wondering if infants' ear drops would be useful in making him more comfortable.  Thanks so much!

ANSWER: Steroids would help him in this case by working to reduce inflammation in the inner ear. This is responsible for the head tilt.
Right now I am concerned as to why he has gotten worse while on baytril and clavamox. What medications were used at the vets as per the injections?
Right now I would suggest gentocin or amakacin injections along with prednisone.
Is he gasping open mouthed at all? Do his sides sink in when he breathes?  
As far as fungal infections, yes they can get them and yes its commonly seen causing problems with ears. If it doesnt respond to other meds I would have a culture done to see what is going on.  

How much baytril is he taking orally and how much does he weigh?  Sometimes, underdosing is a reason for rats to take long to recover from illnesses too

Please let me know so I can further advise.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Our rat weighs 450 grams.  He was initially put on the Baytril (3 ml/22.7mg) and Clavamox (2.5 ml/I don't know what concentration) because he sounded wheezy.  He has a mammary tumor (which feels unattached and somewhat squishy) near his left hind leg which I have been wanting to get removed, but the vet suggested clearing up the respiratory problem first.  I don't hear wheezing so much as stuffy-nosed snuffling now.  He is not gasping, but his sides do move quite a bit.

I believe the vet used Baytril injections.  His left eye was looking a little squinty when I took him in at the beginning of the week.  When I picked him up, he definitely had developed a head tilt and was uncoordinated.  

They have not done a needle biopsy on the tumor, but I am concerned that it may be malignant and may have spread to his ear.  I am hoping that it is just an inner ear infection that is taking time to respond, or that is being treated with the wrong medications.  As I said, I noticed a bad smell coming from one ear after I brought him home from the vet's.  I don't see any swelling or drainage from/around his ear.  After doing some reading, it seems as though Zymbal's gland tumors can cause the same symptoms as ear abscesses, so I am very concerned about our ratty.  For tonight, I would just be happy if I could make him comfortable.  He seems to be somewhat agitated, and I am concerned that he is in pain.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Squamous cell carcinoma of the zymbals gland would probably produce a mass that you would see plain as day. It may be a swelling in the face or it may be inner ear but produces the eye do protrude and it is pretty noticeable.
The mammary tumor probably is encapsulated (they are usually benign, esp in females, being fueled by high estrogen levels) and with males, if they are malignant, high chance is that it is encapsulated and wont spread. If it does spread, the typical pattern usually would remain local rather than travel to the head. I am thinking he has bacteria that is resistant to baytril. Some forms of mycoplasma bacteria are antibiotic resistant and although baytril is a broad spectrum antibiotic that is  especially good for fighting bacteria without a cell wall, it is not the drug of choice for certain strains of strep and of course is rendered useless in fungal infections. Metronidazole can be used for a fungus and these meds can be used in form of systemic, ointment for ear or ear drops as well. It wouldn't hurt to suggest this to the vet. Sometimes they just don't think that deep especially if they are not exotic certified.
Do you have anything for pain there, such as metacam or even childrens motrin?  This can help with inflammation mild to moderate pain too.

I would maybe ring the vet back and perhaps suggest possible fungal infection within the ear and do point out the strong odor you noticed earlier.

Please let me know during a follow up his weight if you would like to dose him with childrens motrin.

Hope this helps some..