Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > RAT SEIZURES


21 17:16:48

I have 2 rats. Tickles is about 2 months old and I have had her for a little over 30 days. Midnight is 8 months old and I have had her for 5 months. Tickles got some lead poisoning a few days ago. My vet wants an outrageous amount of money to look at her and do blood work ($63.00 not including medications or treatments). Tickles has been having seizures. She falls over on her back, shakes her head and her eyes roll back into her head. I cannot afford to take her to the vet and get medications. Is there anything I can do at home to help drain the lead out of her system? I don't want her to suffer any longer. My vet is "HIGH DESERT ANIMAL CARE" Their information is below.
                 Thank you,

3243 East Palmdale Blvd.

The clinic above is not an exotic clinic. The vet there has no formal training with exotic mammals, just probably took an online course to learn a few basics about various small mammals and thats about it.  Their main focus is on dogs and cats. The reason for them wanting to do blood work is because that is what they do there. Lots and lots of pricey  lab work. So typical. Not putting the animal first, just the almighty dollar!  Tell me more about how she was diagnosed with lead poisoning.

The seizures can be controlled by valium given to her twice a day.  Vets that are not really up to par on rat care would never even consider using liquid valium on a rat not realizing they can take twice the human dose and still walk a straight line due to their high metabolic rate. Not just something I learned along the way either, but I have had my own rats on it for seizures and anxiety  due  to brain tumors.

How long does it take her to come out of her seizure and how often does she do it?  How is she otherwise? Does she eat and drink ok or is  she acting sick?

Where are you located?  I know your in California but not sure what cities your closest to.