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Squeaker the Energizer Rat and Too Much Poryphin

21 17:09:47

So Squeaker, who just keeps on ticking, is  34 months old now: her fur has thinned considerably, her agility is significantly decreased (we just took her down to a one-level cage), and she's content to simply nest and snuggle.  She's been on "lifetime" script of Baytril for several months (I emailed you earlier, when she was having surgery complications that resulted in a lifetime script for Baytril).  Her tumor is slowly returning (wrapped around the bladder) and today she had ALOT of poryphin around her eyes, her nose, and on her paws where she tried to clean it.  She has not been a fastidious groomer in the last few months...  She's on .5 mL of Baytril 2/x a day.  I know the poryphin could be a sign of a mycro flare up or other infection as well as a sign of stress.  Could it also simply come with aging?  We want her to be able to age and pass gracefully -- if she's already on Baytril, should I re-visit the vet for this new symptom?  I am thinking either the antibiotics will help any infection she has or it won't...but I'm not sure the vet can do anything more given her age and already being on antibiotics....

Thanks for all the wonderful help you offer all us rattie-lovers!

If she has an infection that is not going to respond to baytril  (Strep is one of them that isnt real great with baytril) the baytril wont help.  However, I dont think its infection, but you neverk now.  She could be put on another medication such as trimeth sulfa (one of my favorites, although its worthless against myco)  It may not even be infection. It could be kidneys or other organs. Wither her fur thinning, it could be a number of things.  I would just keep her comfortable, push the fluids and let her enjoy her food.  If she has a tumor wrapped around her bladder, be sure to watch for decreased urine output.  This type of tumor can stop her from urinating which is deadly and painful.  Keep a close eye out for that. Push baby food since its also rich in fluids too.  The increase in porphyrin doesnt usually have much to do with age as it does with stress from illness, esp in her case.