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Are Exercise Balls Unsafe for Pet Rats?

21 17:36:00

Hello, I hope you are well. Last week, I adopted two pet rats from my local animal shelter (I named that Scratch and Sniff). Since before the adoption, I have been researching pet rat care on the Internet. Recently, I thought about getting Scratch and Sniff an exercise ball each (example: However, I heard from a few people that these exercise balls may be unsafe and dangerous for pets. Reasons stated include the chance that rats' legs may get caught in the air slits, that most rats simply don't like being held captive in a ball, and that due to the poor eyesight of rats, they don't know where they're going and will crash into furniture and walls.

Are exercise balls safe for pet rats? Thank you,
Victor Ly

P.S. I have read many of your replies to other people's questions regarding rats and have checked out your Web site, and just wanted to thank you for being so kind to help other people, as well as these great animals.

Hi Victor

Thanks for writing!

As for the ball... its not really that it is unsafe, which would not shock me any, but the truth is, why would you want to put the rat in there in the first place?  Rats are just way to intelligent to be stuck in a ball like that. They want "paws on" things. They want to climb and sniff and explore their surroundings. What can they accomplish from being stuck in a ball? I would say it would be scary on top of it all.  Our rats are so smart and social they prefer to be out and about with us, their owners, and of course other rats too. However, you still want your rat safe and this is why I dont believe in just letting the rat run free without having his very own designated play are for them.  On my critter city site I have a page where I discuss setting up a safe play area for your pet rats.  You could construct a wall out of cardboard and spread it around the room where you want your rats to play. Add some toys and his cage too so he can run to it when he wants, and there he has his own rattie play ground.  Paper bags, boxes, big pvc pipes etc...all for him to crawl in and explore, plus YOU yourself which will become his favorite toy, can sit in there with him and let him play for as long as you want.  

Anyhow, to answer your question, I do not suggest buying a ball for any small mammal. Interaction with your pet through touch is better than being isolated in a plastic ball.

hope that helps!