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Rat not eating or drinking

21 17:36:01


Hi Sandra,

My pet rat, Liddie, is about a year old.  She used to be quite healthy and active, but three weeks ago her cagemate died (of old age - tumors).  Since then, she has not been eating or drinking hardly anything, and her breathing sounds labored/congested.  Sometimes she has a little red mucous on her nose.  She has always  been on the small side, but in the past few weeks her abdomen has gotten very skinny.  I've been feeding her Ensure every night for the past week and a half (which she seems to love) and she readily takes Yogies treats, but doesn't seem to eat any of her normal food (dog food, sugarless puffed rice and wheat cereal, oats, sunflower seeds, and lab blocks).  

Any ideas??

Thanks so much for your time!

Try baby food, scrambled eggs, peas, carrots, any type of common vegetable or fruit you can feed her.
She should have a vet see her. She may have a respiratory infection. What occurs is they become depressed when they lose a cagemate and their immune system weakens.

How old was her cagemate?  

Since Liddie is still young, she could have another 2 years or more to live yet, I would consider getting her another friend and fast. Please see a vet (if you need a certified exotic vet, and I dont mean a vet that sees exotics) and get her on antibiotics for the congestion, and check into finding her a friend right away.  This will cheer her right up.