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My new pet rat

21 17:11:29

Hi I just purchased a rat juvenile and I thought she was pretty healthy till I saw her coat under some brighter light. I think she has what looks like nits and she's sneezing often. I don't know what to do about the nits as for like a shampoo remedy or anything. Can I use some kind of lice and or nit shampoo for her? or is the human stuff bad for them?
Britni Leonard

Hi Britni

Its probably lice like you thought, but you CANNOT use human meds on him or it will poison him to death.  He needs a Vet. This is the only way to get rid of them.  Sneezing is also a sign of the start of a respiratory illness and if not treated properly, she will end up with chronic lung disease.  PLEASE: DO NOT return the pet to the pet store.  They will only cause harm to her by not treating her properly.  Shes your pet now and I am happy she has you to take good care of her and she is safe from that pet store life.  its obvious she was not taken care of there.  

Please refer to my website, for all the  info you need on pet rats from proper food for a longer, healthier life to how to set up a play area for your rat to keep her safe and teach her how to trust you etc....  you will need a good vet, too.  There are many vets that say they treat rats but are totally clueless how to really treat them so please let me know your location and I will give you names of vets that will treat her right.  She needs a special medication for the lice.  You will NOT catch them, by the way, as these are not the same type of lice humans get.  They are species specific.