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My rat will not quit sneezing

21 17:35:16

I saw another person had asked the same question so i copied the questions you asked. i hope to hear back from you when you have a moment. I appreciate any advice you may be able to give. Thanks alot.

how long have you had her?
   -1 1/2 years
How old is she?
   -i believe she was 3 months when i got her
Where did you get her from?
   -peruss pets in Lansing MI

Does she live alone?
What type of housing does she have?
   -1ft. deep x 30in tall x 30 in wide
What type of bedding do you  use for her?
   -leftover news in litter box and a few fleece blanket.
What kind of diet do you feed her?
    -premixed blend of rat food forulated for rats from peruss pets and random snacks
Does she have porphryin discharge from her eyes, nose or both? Porphyrin is a red mucus that comes from stress and is found around the eyes and nose. It often makes the rat owner think the rat is bleeding, but it is not blood.
     -yes, around her nose
Is she eating and drinking ok?
Does she have normal stools or are they loose?
    -stools are normal
Is she shy?
    -she is very affectionate to the few that handle her most, but very shy most of the time

Hi Cheri

It may be a mycoplasmosis infection flaring up causing her some mild symptoms. She should see a vet that understands the importance of properly treating mycoplasmosis, which means the right antibiotics etc...

For more info on myco, check my website here:

Do you have a good vet?