Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > site


21 17:30:10

what makes you decide which pictures to put on your (very helpful and informative) site or not? like, rattie pictures of people who ask you questions? and also can you put a section on the rats you currently have and pictures? im sure a lot of us are curious!

Anyone that wants to have their rat up, just ask!  I love to, just need to know your rats name etc....whatever you want it to say is fine.

Also, if someone has a rat that is sick with photos etc...that I can use as a case study and an example, I am always looking for that kind of stuff too so I can help even more by letting people see what they may be looking for etc...

send whatever you have to me at

I am working to add photos of the rats that I have now and also some of my past rats.  We are talking over 40 rats that I have loved and lost and currently have three older males that I adore.  I will write about each of them and post their photos on the ABOUT ME page. Check back later tonight or tomorrow to see what I have added. My oldest boy is
3 years and 8 months old!

thanks for writing!