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Hairless rats

21 17:35:37

My husband and I currently have three rats with fur, we are thinking of getting a hairless rat can you for see any problems with this?  My main concern is rats generaly groom each other, do you think this would be a problem?  We love our rats and have had them for a number of years, but don't want to introduce a different species, if this could be a traumatic experience for a new member or our much loved pets.
Many Thanks

 Hairless rats are not a different species, merely a different coat variety of rat.  They can get along perfectly well with standard coated rats, and it is often preferable that they live with rats with fur so they can keep warm.  The only thing that you need to watch out for with a hairless rat is that they can get scratched easily without fur to protect them so it's best to keep the nails of all your rats trimmed to avoid any more serious scratches.  Follow proper introduction procedures to minimize fighting and everything should go well!  Good luck with your rats!