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Rat Stomach Bloating

21 17:17:15

I'm pet sitting a rat and she has a stomach I've never seen before. It is seemingly only on her left side which though the size is about right for a female, makes it look odd because of the fact that it sits on only one side of her body really. She seems fine though, very active, no noticable pain to the touch, etc. So I was just wondering if you've seen this before, if it is something I should warn her owners about when they return. Thanks.

Hi Alanna, I would love to help you out but this sounds like an issue that needs a two way conversation which I can't do here. I need to ask you some more questions. Could you please e-mail me at for more assistance. Is it possible for you to send me a picture of her, one that looks down on her to show the one-sided tummy bulge?
