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Sneezy Scabby Rat.

21 17:09:23

hi. I picked my female rat up from the pet shop about a month ago. Ever since she has been sneezing and started to develop scabs on one of her ears.  As time went by she has started to develop spots on her other ear and tail, which are now turning into scabs.
I use to get her out and play a fair bit, but now i don't coz i don't want ot catch anything off her.
her bedding is saw dust, sometimes newspaper, she eats rat food, whatever im eating, bread n fruit n veg - maybe not enuf fruit n veg.
Someone told me this is eventually going to kill her, i cannot afford any vet bills..... any idea what i could do?
Is it humane to release her into the garden??
Oh n shes a pink eyed rat if that makes any difference.

Sounds like your rat has mange mites, which you can treat with revolution. While, yes, eventually it will kill her, it doe not work how you think. What the parasites will do is drink her blood and she will die of anemia.

And, just so you know, it is NOT humane to just dump her outside!!! Especially since she will stick out being white. She will be lucky to live a week, most likely will be killed by a feral cat or other animal outside because he will not blend in at all. Domestic rats are also not equip to live outside, they do not know how to find food and they are willing to walk up to just about anyone because they are ppl friendly.

Your best bet, if you can not care for her, is to drop her off at a vet clinic or shelter or find a rescue in your area that can take her.

Social Rats Adoption and Rescue - Chicago, IL