Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > good vet?

good vet?

21 17:25:55

QUESTION: I think one of my rats has a tumor and I was wondering if this would be a good veterinary:

please let me know. Also if it is, which vet would treat my rat? And can you let me know of any other good vets in the area? Preferably with non-expensive prices?

Thank you!

ANSWER:  No the place you have to go to is not for rats at all. They do not even have a vet that has any type of exotic interest at all. I would not use them.

The place below is everything you need for a vet for your rats.          

Dr. Emily Hoppmann
Stahl Exotic Animal Veterinary Services
Vienna VA 22180
Phone:    703-281-3750

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QUESTION: what are their prices typically like?

ANSWER: I have no idea what they charge.  I only know their credentials.  You can always call and ask what the first exam costs?

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QUESTION: sorry, my bad. i called several clinics in the area, most prices are around $70 for a check-up, and anywhere between $200-$1500 for tumor removal. does that sound about right? sorry to bombard you with questions...

$1500 is insane.   There are no clinics in your area that specialize in exotics except for Stahl Exotic animal hospital as I have listed above. The others are simply vets that see exotics but are not board certified. The office visit sometimes is higher the first initial visit but the second visit is usually less expensive.