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Soothing itchy skin

21 17:37:10

Hello, sorry to bother you.

One of my rats (Herman, 9 month old boy) is being treated for mites and has been prescribed a spot on and some antibiotics by the vet (started treatment 2 nights ago). I was just wondering whilst this is taking its time to work is there anything soothing i could apply to his skin to help him out a bit. Any sort of remedy would be appreciated. I really do hate to see him scratching all of the time.

Regards, Jenny

You can soothe any itchy angry red spots using cortisone or hydrocortisone cream.   When you apply it you can almost swear they sigh with relief and you faintly hear a little meek "ahhhhhh  thanks ma...feels good!  :D

Rub it in well so it can work before it gets licked off!