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rat with bumblefoot

21 17:09:08

I have a male rat whose a year and 8 months old and in the last month he has developed a bad case of bumblefoot on both feet. I feel terrible for him because he has always been a free-roaming rat but now that he frequently bleeds i need to keep him in a cage. He is an extremely hyper and curious rat and needs time to run outside his cage but I just can't let him out if he bleeds all over. I can tell that he is not feeling very good lately (squinty eyes, fluffed fur, occasional lethargy). It also doesn't help that he is a single rat. He fights with his brothers so he needs to be separated. Its never been a huge problem because before he could run around their cage and all over the house so he never got too lonely. But now i can tell he's lonely and maybe even a little depressed.
I've been spraying blu-kote on his feet (i heard that can help) and cleaning his cage every day. Everything is soft and clean and there are no bars. But the bumblefoot is just getting worse. I read that there is no cure and nothing vets can do. Is this true? If the vets will do him any good then I will take him right away.

So to sum up my questions.
1) Is there anything i can do to get rid of his bumblefoot?
2) Would taking him the vet help?
3) What can I do to make his life more fun and make him less   lonely if I can't let him run around?  
4) Is there some way that i can let him run around without getting blood everywhere or further harming his feet?

thankyou so much. I just feel sad for my little buddy :(

Bumblefoot is a pain in the arse to get rid of. Sounds like your doing all you can do. You can try treating it orally using baytril and also rubbing antibiotic ointment on his feet. Stop using the blu coat if its not working. Also, is he litter box trained or do you scatter litter all over the cage floor?  I had a rat that had it really bad and bled as well. I used to spread an old comforter and spread it on the floor so if he did bleed it wouldnt be so bad. Is he chubby?