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bitting rat

21 18:00:11

i got a new rat today from the pet store and he was great there i brought him home and he sat on my sholder ad i was able to mov him and stuff. i put him in his cage to get him used to it and wanted to pick him up a few hrs later and he bit me. i put my hand in the cage and let him sniff it and check it out and i slowly went to pick him up and he kinda surried away and the suddenly turned around and bit me. now im scared to pick him up again cause if i put my hand in the cage he attacks it. help?  

hi Danielle
Remember, to a rat, you're a big scary giant. For the first few days, it's always best to get him used to your house, scents, noises, and slowly start letting him come out to see you. When you reach into the cage, you're saying, "HEY, you have NO safety!" That can be pretty scary to a rat.

What you can do to get him used to you is to always talk to him gently. When you have your hands near his cage, don't have any food in them. Only have food when you're giving him treats, or dinner, or he'll always think your fingers mean food. Leave the cage door open, and talk to him. Let him sniff, and poke around. He'll start to come out to you when he starts feeling comfortable.

For some rats, this will be in a few hours, while others may take a few days. Once he sees that coming out means playtime, he'll come out more. He should feel safe with you. You're good at letting him visit shoulders. That's a great start! If he climbs out to you, let him snuggle there as much as he wants. He'll associate you with safety!

Another thing to do is sit with him in a room, like a bathroom, or someplace where it's just you and him. Let him walk around and snoop. Rats are so curious, they enjoy exploring. They think they're detectives, so you can hide treats, like grapes or carrot slices, and let him find them. Keep gently talking to him and calling him. When he comes towards you, praise him, and pet him.

Sometimes I'll put my old or dirty socks in a rat cage when the rats are skittish. They get used to my smell that way. (My icky sock smell, but still...) Your hand is about five times the size of his head, so it's really scary for him to see fingers up close sometimes. Picture yourself looking at a 20 foot rat face for the first time, and you'll get how he may feel.

Never yell at him, and don't hit a rat. They have very good long term memory. One bad action can last in their minds for months. Always treat him like he's a sweet little guy, even if he's being bratty. They usually don't act snippy unless they're scared.

My guess is, he is feeling a bit nervous about all the newness. He's got a new human, a new house, and all sorts of new smells. Once he settles in, he'll show you just how much he loves you. Rats really do make the best pals if you let them!

I hope to hear good news soon!
