Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > HELP!!!!!!!!


21 17:47:24

QUESTION: Hi! I am worried about one of my rats' because her tail is yellowish and her "scales" on her tail are sticking out sort of and crooked. I am very worried about her! Please help and reply asap!

ANSWER: Kristy

Those "scales" are layers of dirt. Rats tails do not have scales. What people are seeing is very fine fur that is does not cover the skin of the tail good and the tail is thin and transparent so the inner rings of the tail are more visible. The tail contains alot of veins and is very vascular and sensitive. Viewing these rings through the fine prickly hairs make people think the rat has scales.
Scales are for lizards and fish, not rodents.

Rats tails get dirty easily since they drag behind them. Her tail is probably dirty and the skin is peeling in areas. You should wash the rats tail gently in warm soapy water, using a soft baby tooth brush and brusing in strokes away from the rats body, going with the hair, not against it. It may not come clean right away but its a start. Pat it dry when done and if you notice sores, put some neosporin on the area. The rats use their tail to regulate body temp so its important to help the rats tail be able to "breathe" by keeping it clean.
Do you see any bumps or lumps on her tail?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: HELP! I am scared! One of my rats has some hair loss on her behind area! I don't know what to do! Is she sick? Should I desperate her from the other rat? Does she need to go to the vet urgently? HELP!!!!!

ANSWER: Relax!  Hair loss is probably from either a bad diet or possibly mites. DO NOT take her from her cagemates. This only stresses the rats out and lowers their immune system.

Lets discuss her diet. What does she eat on a daily basis? Try to list everything you can think of.

ALso, if needed, do you have a vet for her that knows about treating rats properly?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I am planning on getting another hairless rat to my two hairy rats. I know she has to go on quarantine and she has to get used to the other rats and vise versa. Does she have to go on quarantine then her cage can go next to the others or can she be on quarantine while cages next to each other.

To properly quarantine a rat, you must use an entirely different room where the new rat is kept and also follow a strict regimen yourself when going between the rats.

This is very important to follow or you will be defeating the purpose of quarantine.

You can read on how to do it here:

I am really happy your going to do this. So many people DO NOT and this is why these contagious and lethal viruses continue to exist in our rat colony.  

If you need to ask anything more about it, feel free to write any time!