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Patchwork Rats In Puberty

21 17:10:26

Couple months ago I got three male patchwork rats, Pinky LiLP and Oreo. LiLP and Oreo are from the same family while Pinky is from a different pack, I bought the two brothers as cage mates for Pinky not wanting him to be all alone. Right away they all go along and were so cute and tiny, they looked like the perfect family, until about a couple of weeks ago when puberty hit. So far they are almost as big as my grown females were and are three times the handful! At first the dominant role was in Pinky but now it seems to be a free for all and everyone is ending up with cuts and scratches not to mention a 2cm long somewhat deep gash I found under LiLP's arm the other day. Constant boxing and wrestling have been going on and not to mention chirping squeaking and occasional shrieking. I am growing concerned because seeing as they are patchwork (mostly hairless) that they will end up seriously hurting one another. The cage they live in is very spacious and has many hide aways and toys so there is no need for such redundant aggression.
So in the end my question is should they be neutered or should I possibly buy a bigger cage? I am at a loss for any other solutions and would like some advice.
Cage ->


Hairy, my patchwork *(
According to the cage space calculator, the cage is big enough for 3 rats....

Now on to my story.  Check out my website, and refer to the page WATCH MY BOYS GROW.  I lost my last rat back in June of 2009 and was heartsick over the loss...I eventually adopted three great boys from a very reputable breeder. The pups were just 4.5 weeks old when I brought them home...all three were very social and knew and loved each other.  Their photos are on my page starting from the day they were first home till just a few weeks ago.

Long story short, a few months ago something went wrong. They went absolutely nuts on each other and I had a three rat pile up inside a cat carrier. I transport them from their cage to the cat carrier and into the room where they have their play area.  They started boxing before they were put in the carrier and by the time I walked through the family room they were screaming, the carrier was rocking out of my hands and I had to dump the carrier, shaking it to get them to roll out.  Now if you look at my photos, you will see that these boys, while young and not even 1 yrs old yet, they are big boys, weighing at least 800 grams each.  
They STILL want to fight and are living separately. I had them in a huge three story cage and now the levels are divided off and each rat has their own level.  Not what I want  for them.....I  want them to live happily together for their lives.  What it is as you know is good ole testosterone and the fact they all want to wear the crown of king alpha male.  If only two would submit, but  all of them want this right, and so we have problems. Its not worth them seriously hurting each other thats for sure.  Now, a larger cage may help your boys but that is ONLY if the problem is over crowding.  My boys had a ferret nation and they still fought. A ferret nation can hold up to FOURTEEN males easily!!  

So, if you think they are too crowded, try a larger cage....if not, you can separate them but do NOT let them out of each others sight.  My boys can still get to each other through the cage bars. Jackson, who is in the bottom cage, gets on top of his ball and fights through the bars with Pepsi, who plays footsie with him through the floor, and Ben, who is on the top cage, plays with Pepsi through the bars below they all still see each other etc....
This weekend I am going to let two of them together during play time....try to introduce them to sharing the same cage again.
The last option would be neutering and that would be by a QUALIFIED vet only.

Speaking of Patchwork rats, I had one.  You can see him on my website, and read the story about him and how he came to live with me etc.... he was unique. He would change his looks all the time, and I mean he would literally look like a different rat!!  
His photo is attached on the side here. You can attach a photo there too when you do your follow up.  Look for the ATTACH option when you go to submit your follow up.