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rats fighting

21 16:56:47

QUESTION: I have 2 females that have lives together since babies. Lately they are fighting alot more than usual. I am afraid it is escalating in nature due to the fact that i've noticed a lot of sores on them. Especially one female who seems to be getting the brunt of it. Is this behavior normal? Do I need to separate them?

ANSWER: Actually, that is not normal, especially since they've lived peacefully together since they were little.  They are probably fighting for dominance and neither one wants to sucumb to the other.  

I'd be interested in knowing what size cage you are keeping them in.  Perhaps the space is too small and there isn't much space for them to roam without "bumping into each other" constantly.  Consider upgrading their cage to a significantly larger one, perhaps with at least 2 levels, if not 3.  Hang more than one hammock and put in several hiding places (like igloos) so that each of them can have their own and don't have to sleep together if they don't want to.  Also, if you get a larger cage, you can put in a wheel and other toys that can keep them busy so they may fight less.  Just some thoughts.  

If you do all of this, and the fighting continues and results in injuries, you may consider giving one up (the more dominant one) to a rescue and adopt another more mellow girl.  This would be a last resort though.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thank you for your prompt response. To answer your curiosity, they have the largest cage I could find. It is a 3 level cage with ramps and platforms. They will not play on the wheel so that was removed. They tore up the hammock as well. There are 2 sleeping boxes in there and I change out chew toys periodically so they don't get bored. I agree with your idea that they are fighting for dominance. For now I have decided to separate them at night and see if that helps alleviate some of the tension. It would break my heart to give one of them away. So I hope I don't have to resort to that. Thanks again for your input

Good idea to separate them at night for a while, as you can't supervise during that time.  Do they fight during the day as well?  Or do they snuggle together peacefully during naptime in the day?  I hope so as they do have a need for companionship so I hope this works out for you.  

You didn't say how long the fighting has been going on but if it's only been a week or two, I might recommend to allow the fighting under your close supervision for short periods of time but every evening.  They are obviously trying to work it out and if you always separate them during the active times, they will not have a chance to work it out.  This happens in the wild as well and is a natural process.  One rat will usually win the battle for dominance and everyone lives peacefully ever after (unless a new rat is introduced and then the fight for domiance begins all over again).  So I am hoping with short but continuous daily exposures to each other, they will resolve it eventually.  Remember not to intervene between them during their fights unless things get extremely nasty and you see cuts & bleeding.

I'd be interested in hearing your progress if you don't mind updating me in a while.  Good luck!