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Help, My rat has a swollen foot

21 17:09:06

Hello. I live in Mexico, but here there are no vets who are experts on rat care. Last week i observed my rat carefully and noticed he had problems to stand up and walk. Because of my ignorance I rubbed his leg, and after reading the suggestions i am afraid i made a mistake. his leg got swollen the next day i rubbed him. Finally I found your page and discovered that my rat has a case of pododermatitis. he lives in a wire cage with other two male rats. it is not ulcerative yet. i applied a medical ointment whit arnica montana, hoping to stop the inflamation. and gave him a little dose of amoxiciline. it does not bleed either. and it's twice its normel size. Did i do right giving him the amoxi? does the sulfa work better? I will be very thankful for your priceless help..o by the way...i have followed your instructions and clean and bath his foot daily. That God bless you for this amazing job for rat community

I am really sorry for the delay in answering you.  My daughter got married over the weekend and I have been out of town with her for the past two weeks. I returned to a huge amount of questions and I am trying to play catch up.

Let me find a vet for you...but you are indeed on the right track.