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rats excessive thirst and urination

21 17:21:44

A young male rat is drinking at least twice as much as the other boys. He also urinates constantly when out of his cage.  He is in a cage alone and his litter becomes soiled very quickly and has a strong urine odor.  He has been taking doxycycline for an uri.  He is fed Harland lab blocks and eats 2 - 3 dried cranberries a day.  
Do you have any idea what might cause this or what might help?  
Thank you for any help you can offer.


Doxy wont help a urinary tract infection like it would a respiratory infection.
He needs to be put on another antibiotic for a urinary tract infection.

I prefer Trimethoprim Sulfa, also known as Tribrissen or Co-trimoxazole. This is a very good drug for urinary tract infections and secondary infections as well.