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my rat big boy

21 17:34:18

QUESTION: yes he can see but only out of 1 eye as the other eye is always closed due to the lump

ANSWER: It almost looks like Hydrocephalus.

Please call the vet that I suggested. I am hoping this is fluid and it is subcutaneous and not invasive like it looks to be.

Promise you will keep me posted?  Often I think of some rats that had some serious and unusual problems and never hear back from the owner again so I can only hope all is well and the rat is still going strong.

Also, is it ok if I use the photo of bigboy as a learning tool on my site to show people what a mass on the head looks like? It would be an added bonus to know the diagnosis, treatment and outcome, a happily ever after would be nice.  I will also note that despite the large mass on his head, brave Big boy has not let it sink his spirits in any way and continues to eat and play as if he were a young rat! Let me know if its ok or not.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: yes it is ok to use the photo but unfortunately big boy is no longer with us he died this morning so it as been a very bad day 2 day but he had a very happy life thank you very much for your help you have been very kind and very helpful thank you agen all the best Stuart

I am so sorry for your loss.  I knew he could not live much longer from the photo. I am sure it was a brain tumor that he had, but it was just such an odd thing to see.  He had a strong will to survive and I will be sure to put that down when I use him as a medical case on my site.
Stuart was very loved obviously and he did have a long life. 3 years old for a rat is pretty darn good. I hope your heart heals fast.