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Abscess, tumor, or ?

21 17:34:19

Our female rat, ~1.5 years old, has an odd skin growth on her belly, near her
groin.  It has grown in the last few weeks.  It is hard, and appears to be
attached to the skin.  There is a scab on the surface but still hair.  It doesn't
seem to have an fluids leaking.  It does seem to hurt her when examined.   
Her activity is normal.  No loss of appetite or strange behaivor, plenty of
energy.  She does have the red discharge around her eyes though.  
I can also take a picture in a few days.  

Hi Nash

That sounds like an abscess. I think you can pick the scab and it will possibly burst open and ooze pus or something. I would hold a warm compress on it and see if you can loosen the scab up a bit. You can press around the base of it and it may ooze that way but its important to clean it out and get that stuff out of there. She will feel much better!