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My Rats Wound is Not Healing

21 17:27:02

My pet rat is about 2-3 years old he was bred from my own pet rat's.  He has been healthy for a while, but up until about a few month's ago he started losing hair and also had a small cut right above his penis.  The wound has grown to about a little over a quarter size.  It has got about 13 sizes bigger than the original small cut.  The cut has a brown/yellow color and looks like the scab is always moist.  It smells again, but prior to this I brought him to the Veterinary Hospital and got antibiotics a few times now.  The smell goes away while he is taking the antibiotics, but I have ran out again.  He looks tired and not so happy.  I would love to bring him to the Vet. again, but I have to wait another week before I get paid.  I have been putting peroxide on the wound and tried ointment for about a week.  I also tried to clean the wound with salt water to dry it out.  I think the rat just keeps cleaning it so it won't heal.  He is not neutered and their are five other males.  I hold him and pet him everyday.  His cage is opened and they all have a newspaper bedding.  They like to live in the cupboard above their cage.  I have also started giving him antibiotics, but it is for the cats.  Anyway, if you have any information on what I should do other than taking him to the Veterinary I will do that in about a week and a half.  

Thank you,


Do not use any kind of hydrogen peroxide or HP dilute on rats .. it kills off healthy tissue and can make things worse. Instead, keep it clean and try with a light antibacterial soap and water. Also, WHY would you give him antibiotics for cats? If it isn't the proper dosage it could potentially kill him, and by giving him antibiotics when you don't have enough to finish treatment you're only creating an antibiotic-resistant bacterium in the wound. Discontinue all meds until you're able to see the vet again, and only clean the wound out once or twice, try not to over-worry it. Good luck.