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my rat is making weird noises

21 17:47:40

Hi it is me Ann again,
I got my two rats and a CAGE!! I am so happy! But one of my rats (his name is Dude) is making a strange sqeaking noise. Kindda like a sneezing but it doesn't look like the noise is coming from his mouth. More rather it is coming from is body or something. Is something wrong with him or is he just perfect(rotfl)

Hi Ann

That is GREAT that you got the cage!!! It will be more fun for the rats and much better for their health!!

I am a bit worried about Dude, though. Does it sound like his chest is congested like it would be if he had a cold?  Rats dont get the common cold but they can get a respiratory virus that causes them to cough, sneeze and make sounds in their chest like a monkey sound or maybe like alot of mucus in there.  
Can you compare it to something?

If you bought him at a pet store they have to get him better if he is sick so you can take him back and demand they take him to the vet and give him proper medication.

Is he acting OK though? Playing and having fun and eating ok?