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do I need a vet?

21 17:29:39


I have two rats and during some play wrestling one got scratched by the inner corner of her right eye, it is not pussy just red not noticeably swollen but this eye is not  open as wide as the other. I was wondering if I should get her to a vet or if this would heal on its own or if there is something I can get at a pet store to help or what? I do have a picture I am sending too. Any advice will be appreciated. Thank you, Shannon


Santana with his eye m
Hi Shannon

It  looks like she may have a bit of infection going on and trust me, once they get infected it can fester from there and end up like what happened to my rat, who is on the photo to the right.  We had to have his eye removed after infection set in from a scratch during a fight.

It may just be scratched and its hard for me to see to be honest, what the redness is, if its infection or injury, but either way, she needs some kind of medication, be it eye drops or oral meds. There is nothing over the counter that can be safely used for rats.  

You should take her to a vet that is certified in exotic medicine. There are many that say they see rats but are not true exotic vets so be careful of that.  If you need names let me know and I will find them for you.