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Blind ?

21 17:54:33

when my rat wakes up she rocks her head side to side. She looks looked she is really dizzy and cant find her way. so i move her house to the other side of her big cage. O and she lives with another albino rat that is fine.and she just sits there and sniffs around and walks slowly and eventually finds it again. there are 5 levels to her and her friends cage. the albino likes climbing up and down but the other will barely go up the first ramp but when I put here on the fifth level she runs down with no problems so she wont eat because the food is on the second level. also when i hold here shes fine. we got them both 1/16/08 along with the cage ? HELP PLEASE!

Hello D,
she could be blind, have you tried doing a test to see if she notices something in front of her, like moving a treat in front of her and seeing if she follows it?
Sometimes this can also mean an ear infection with the loss of balance and being dizzy.
I'd also consider calling a vet to figure out if there is any type of at home test you can do to see if she is blind. I hope that helps.