Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > My rat is missing hair and makes a weird noise

My rat is missing hair and makes a weird noise

21 17:24:21

I already went to Sandra Todd and she couldn't reply so I am hoping you can here is what I  asked and my follow up!
original QUESTION: I got my rat Uno when he was only 7/8 weeks old, from the pet store I have bought all my rat from! (they come from a breeder, I know her) Well Uno was always with my older male Buddy, I only quarantined for 5 days and all was good! Well Buddy loved Uno, so they are in the same cage. Well after about a week Uno had hoping around his nose never his eyes? So I changed bedding and it went away. Well it has been like 2 months and now he makes this wheezing chirping sound. Given I am only 13 and my parents think of rats as a disposable pet, they say no vet! I know I shouldn't have the pet cause I can't afford the vet, I didn't come here to be told "you can't afford the vet, you can't afford the pet." I can't but these were really cheap rats and I know the breeder, but she just gives the store the babies! The store sells them for $3.99ea so I don't really know why Beth breeds them of how? I have no idea if she breeds for pets or what, but all I know is she breeds and gets a lot of blues, and greys! Well anyway I previously read something about a lady who had a rat that made strange noises and it was abscesses in the lungs, I don't know what that is exactly, but from assumptions I am guessing an abscess in the lungs. Sadly Uno also has really thin fur and was attacked by alpha Buddy when the cage got placed by the girls. So I had to separate because Buddy kept barbering the wound, well anyway all 4 males are together again. Uno is second in charge and never has fights. Recently I got rid of my females, and now am wondering what I can do for Uno! Btw they all eat Kaytee Forti-diet, and live on either kiln dried pine or aspen, and sometimes even no toxic newspaper, which Uno likes best. Maybe you can help me figure out what is  wrong with Uno?

ANSWER: She needs a better diet and taken off of pine bedding, which is toxic to rats.  Kaytee diet is not nutritious enough for rats and can even cause loss of fur as well as scabs and sores through out the fur.

She answered this so then I gave a follow up which she never answered!

You were not very descriptive as to what all was wrong with your rat in order for me to help her.  Lung absceses are a big deal and cause the rat to be very ill.

         Please check out my website on information for proper diet for rats.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I just recently switched to Kaytee forti diet, before that Uno was on 8 in 1 rat blocks! I read that Kiln dried pine bedding is good because it takes out the aerosols and it isn't shavings it is pellets and I only used them once. He is kind of making a noise from the lungs like a hiccuping chirpy sound. Uno also eats a variety of mixed foods like apples, carrots, corn, and peas! Also some meets, I use cheerios as treats! He is very active and happy to wrestle, he eats and drinks! He is a healthy weight too. Usually I use newspaper bedding.

So can you please help me I am nervous!

ANSWER: Well it's all a little vague; the only symptoms you've told me are that he's having some breathing difficulties, and something coming from his nose? That could be a million things; beginning with respiratory infections and working their way up. Either way, a vet is pretty necessary to diagnose and treat. Even if I could tell you "It's _____", any medications would need to be obtained from a vet. I'm sorry, I wish I could help more.

Avoid using pine, even kiln dried, it isn't healthy. If you like the pellets, use the recycled newspaper pellets made by Yesterday's News (or lately there's a new knock off brand at PetSmart, $10 for a 20# bag). It's a very absorbent bedding with no dust.

The 8-in-1 pet block isn't a bad block, but it needs to be supplemented. Kaytee is less healthy than block, even if it looks more exciting. Try making your own food. Google "Suebee's Rat Diet" -- she has a great recipe that you can tweak to make more appetizing and affordable.

Good luck!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I mostly use newspaper bedding. I do feed fruits and veggies, and things like uncooked noodle. Also nothing is coming from his nose. The noise seems to only happen when he is excited. I am worried but a vet is not an option, the fur loss may be from squabbles with his cage mates playing only though he has only been in one fight.

Then the noise isn't anything to be concerned about, most likely. If he did it all the time, then I would worry, but otherwise nah, he may just be a very chatty rat - and that happens, some rats like to talk! Is the hair loss also with scabs or scratches, or is it just falling out? What variety of rat is he (is he a rex/curly coated?)