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Would this be a good rat diet?

21 17:44:47

I was going to order some Regal Rat online so I emailed the people and then they said that they have stopped carrying it for some reason so once again, I have to use whats available to me. Would it be good If I fed them Living World Hamster Extrusion and a low fat low protein dog food? The dog food would be a good brand like wellness or natures recipe or blue buffalo. And some fruits and veggies everyday. Woudl this be good?

 It would be much better to give them food specifically for rats, or at least a homemade diet made specifically for rats.  Harlan Teklad and Mazuri lab blocks are good substitutes, though Mazuri has a protein content that is a bit high, in my opinion.  Here are some links to home made rat diets, which can give you a better idea of what you'll have to include if you want to make their food yourself:

 I hope that answers your question, good luck with your rats!