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Rat Biting

21 17:06:29

My 7 m.o. F rat has been trying 2 chew a hole into my boxsprings. I went 2 grab her last week & she bit me, drawing blood. I let her (& her daughter) 2 roam free most of the time. I had a baby squirrel found in my bsmt @ the time. Now she is acting weird- overly "loving"(attention-seeking), losing weight, grinding on her teeth & defensive @ the area re: boxsprings. I'm worried @ rabies. I don't wana die! What do u suggest?

You have nothing to worry about. Your rat is NOT RABID. You should never let your rats run free, however, as this can be dangerous for them unless the room is totally free from things that can harm them or that they can destroy like your boxsprings.  Keep them in a nice roomy clean cage and when your with them, let them run loose.  
Did your rats have contact with the squirrel and how did you get rid of the squirrel? Also, these animals are NOT rabies carries, either. In fact, if they were bitten by a rabid animal, they would never survive the attack.
Rabies and small rodents are not typically a rabies threat.

Please see my site, and learn more about fears from disease etc... by going to the page

Your rat  bit you more than likely because you hurt her by grabbing her. Rats also NEED their own spot to call home. She may consider the bed her home and this has made her defend her territory, which is  your boxsprings. THis is another reason why they need their own cage.